Getting Started

These instructions will have the code running on your local or virtual machine.


The requirements.txt indicates the required python libraries. In short, you will need the following to have a working copy of this software.

  1. Python (>=3.8)

  2. ldap3 (2.6.1)

  3. numpy (>=1.22.0)

  4. redata (>=0.5.0)

  5. pandas (>=1.4.3)

  6. tabulate (>=0.8.7)

  7. requests (2.25.1)

Note: Python 3.7 will not be supported by Numpy 1.22.0 (June 2022). see

Installation Instructions

Python and setting up a conda environment

First, install a working version of Python (>=3.8) using conda. We recommend using the Anaconda package installer.

After you have Anaconda installed, you will want to create a separate conda environment and activate it:

$ conda create -n admin1 python=3.9
$ conda activate admin1

Next, clone this repository into a parent folder:

(admin1) $ cd /path/to/parent/folder
(admin1) $ git clone

With the activated conda environment, you can install with the script:

(admin1) $ cd /path/to/parent/folder/ReQUIAM
(admin1) $ python develop

This will automatically installed the required pandas, ldap3, requests, and numpy packages.

You can confirm installation via conda list

(admin1) $ conda list

You shall see the above packages versions matching the requirements.

For old version of redata (<0.5.0) and ReQUIAM, it might be easier to create a new conda user and follow the above steps. Note: You can upgrade to Python 3.9 and related packages (numpy, pandas, and redata) from 3.7, but it takes more effort.

(admin1) $ conda list requiam

You should see that the version is 1.1.0.

Configuration Settings

Configuration settings are specified through the config/figshare.ini file. The most important settings to set are those populated with ***override***. However, for our scripts, these settings can be specified using multi-character flag options, such as --ldap_password. Note that most figshare.ini settings can be overwritten through the command line.

For manual override (v0.11.0) where IAM portal and quota settings differ from norm, config will include two CSV templates for portal and quota to specify those changes.

Testing Installation

To test the installation without performing any portal or quota query, execute the following command:

(admin1) $ export password="insert_password"
(admin1) $ export persist_path="/path/to/persistent/storage"
(admin1) $ ./scripts/script_run --config config/figshare.ini \
                       --persistent_path $persist_path \
                       --ldap_password $password --grouper_password $password

Test command-line flags (test and test_reverse) are available to test EDS query and Grouper synchronization (with the sync flag) by executing the following :

(admin1) $ ./scripts/script_run --test \
                       --config config/figshare.ini --persistent_path $persist_path \
                       --ldap_password $password --grouper_password $password --sync

Note that the above will add a test NetID account to the following Grouper group:

Without the sync flag, the above command line will perform a “dry run”. It will indicate what Grouper updates will occur.

To undo this change, use the test_reverse flag:

(admin1) $ ./scripts/script_run --test_reverse \
                       --config config/figshare.ini --persistent_path $persist_path \
                       --ldap_password $password --grouper_password $password --sync